DANCE - the dance moves database

DANCE 5.52

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DANCE - Screenshot

DANCE for Android™

DANCE for iPhone™ and iPad™

Welcome to the homepage of DANCE - the dance moves database
- the windows program for working with dance moves.

With the help of DANCE you can
    learn the dance moves (more than 230 moves are already available - 65 of them with video and picture sequence)
    easily create your own dance moves and
    animate, print and export the dance moves
    view the moves on your WinCE PDA.

DANCE is shareware. This means, that you can download the version for free and test.
If you want to have access to all available moves and videos/picture sequences, you have to register.
Also have a look at the DANCE-FAQ for the answers to frequently asked questions.

New in version 5.52:

A further big step has been made with the new version of DANCE:
You can now export your designed dance moves to the online version of DANCE or your iPhone/iPad or Android device and share them with your friends.


Markus Bader  ***

visitors since the 1st of march 1997