Interface for the feet form DLL

Since DANCE 1.5a, it is possible to define your own feet shape instead of the predefined, by binding a new foot paint procedure with a DLL. With this interface, you can also change the names of the "Styles of Steps"

DANCE - the dance patterns database is a relatvly stable program. This might be different, using unknown code - although I filter wrong inputs.

I do not take any responsibility for the contents and use of unknown DLL's 
- the reasons are understandable, aren't they.

Structure of the source code of a feet form DLL with DELPHI 1.0

{$F+}{FAR calls must be used}

library Dncfform;
uses wintypes,winprocs; {include necessary units}

  screen_coordinates_function = function (r : real) : longint;

  xb,yb : screen_coordinates_function;

function dummy_xb(r : real) : longint; begin dummy_xb := trunc(r); end;
function dummy_yb(r : real) : longint; begin dummy_yb := trunc(r); end;

{function with which you can change the contents of the "Style of Steps" Comboboxes}
function DANCE_ModidyString : string; export;
  DANCE_ModidyString := 'normal step/jump';

{Prozedure, die die  Adressen der Koordinaten-Funktionen von DANCE ausliest procedure with sets the addresses of the coordinates functions}
procedure DANCE_RemoteProcedure(x,y : tfarproc); export;
begin try @xb := x; @yb := y; except xb := dummy_xb; yb := dummy_yb; end; end;

{the most important part of the DLL - the paint procedure}
procedure DANCE_MyShowFuss(surface : hdc; pair,dancer,foot : byte; x,y,a : word; styleofstep : byte); export;

{write down your paint commands here}


  DANCE_MyShowFuss          index 1,
  DANCE_RemoteProcedure     index 2,
  DANCE_ModidyString        index 3;

  xb := dummy_xb; yb := dummy_yb;

As there are not Delphi specific commands used in this function, you can use other languages to create your own feet form DLL. I have only tested this structure with Delphi 1.0. As DANCE is a 16 bit program, the feet form DLL should be the same.

  screen_coordinates_function = function (r : real) : longint;

xb,yb : screen_coordinates_function;

xb ( ) and yb ( ) which calculate the koordinates on the canvas from the coordinates on the dance floor. Therefore they must joined to DANCE by the DANCE_RemoteProcedure . This happens automatically, then the DLL is loaded. 

function DANCE_ModidyString : string; export;

With the help of this function, you can change the contence of the "style of step" comboboxes, so that they fit to your new painting methode. This function is called automatically, too, when the DLL is loaded. It must return a string, which contains the different "styles of steps", seperated by a "/".

procedure DANCE_RemoteProcedure(x,y : tfarproc); export;

This procedure is called when the DLL is loaded, to get the adresses of the funktions xb and xb from the DANCE main modul.

procedure DANCE_MyShowFuss(surface : hdc; pair,dancer,foot : byte; x,y,a : word; styleofstep : byte); export;

The function DANCE_MyShowFuss is the basic function of the feet form DLL. It has the following parameters:
surface This parameter describes the canvas and is a HDC handle. You can paint on it whit GDI functions.
pair Contains the number of the dancepair
dancer This paramter has two values: 1 (= gent) or 2 (= lady)
foot This parameter has also two values: 1 (= left foor) or 2 (= right foot)
x x is the x-coordinate of the feet in mm on the dancefloor and can vary between 0 and 1200. You can calculate the coordinate on the canvas with the function xb(x)
y y is the y-coordinate of the feet in mm on the dancefloor and can vary between 0 and 1200. You can calculate the coordinate on the canvas with the function yb(y)
a a is the angle of the foot and can vary form 0 to 360. 0 is equal to a foot pointing to the top.
< 100     if styleofstep is smaller than 100, the number is equal to the position of the entry in the "styleofstep" combobox. ( 0 = "normal step",....)
= 100 position of the foot, when it is animated
= 101 position of the preceding foot
= 102 position of the following foot

In the unregistered version of DANCE, there is always (dancer =1) and (styleofstep = 0 or styleofstep > 99)

Including the feet form DLL

Including your feet form DLL to a DNC file is really simply. You must only insert the command

\fussform_dll{<name of DLL>}

in your DNC file in front of  "\schritt{0}". Do not use quotation marks when when writing the name of the DLL e.g. \fussform_dll{ffdemo.dll}