DANCE - the dance patterns database


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A little collection of freeware - just have a look

MB-GPS2KML - a GPS to KML converter

MB-GPS2KML converts a GPS log file (in plain NMEA format) to a KML file (placemark file for Google Earth) and opens this file in Google Earth.
Velocity, number of satellites and HDOP are interpreted as height, color and size of the icons.

MB-GPS2KML works on Windows 7, 8 and 10

Download (500 KB)

MB-Mouse Shooter

A little nag application - inspired by a very old application "shoot.exe".
If the mouse stops moving on a position for more than 2 seconds, there will be a bullet hole on this position of the screen, but you can continue working with the elements below.
This is realised with the help of the MB-ScreenTransparent SDK.

Download (500 KB)

MB-Pixel Error

A little nag application
This application adds black pixels on the screen, that look like pixel errors of a TFT display.
This is realised with the help of the MB-ScreenTransparent SDK.

Download (500 KB)

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